MubarakAli Davoodbasha
Division of Bioengineering Incheon National University Republic of Korea
Research Interests:
Biomaterials Nanomaterials Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles Biopolymers
- The facile synthesis of chitosan-based silver nano-biocomposites via a solution plasma process and their potential antimicrobial efficacy.
- One-step synthesis of cellulose/silver nanobiocomposites using solution plasma process and characterization of their broad spectrum antimicrobial efficacy
Article. - Gold nanoparticles from Pro and eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms-Comparative studies on synthesis and its application on biolabelling.
- Synthesis and characterization of CdS nanoparticles using C-phycoerythrin from the marine cyanobacteria.
- Plant extract mediated synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles and its antibacterial activity against clinically isolated pathogens.
- An enhancement of antimicrobial efficacy of biogenic and ceftriaxone-conjugated silver nanoparticles: green approach.
- The facile synthesis of chitosan-based silver nano-biocomposites via a solution plasma process and their potential antimicrobial efficacy.
- Anti-Helicobacter pylori, cytotoxicity and catalytic activity of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles: Multifaceted application.
- Biogenic synthesis, characterization of antibacterial silver nanoparticles and its cell cytotoxicity.
- Biogenic metallic nanoparticles as catalyst for bioelectricity production: A novel 4 approach in microbial fuel cells.