Assistant Professor,
Thrombosis Research Division,
Cardiovascular Research Section.
Prasenjit Guchhait
Department of Medicine,
Baylor College of Medicine,
One Baylor Plaza, N1319.
Research Interests:
- Dr. Guchhait has long-standing interest in thrombosis and cardiovascular research.
- His research is focused on the complex mechanism of thrombosis, vasoocclusion and cardiovascular impairments in patients with sickle cell disease, thalassemia and hemolytic uremic syndrome.
- He is working on the molecular mechanism that links intravascular-hemolysis and the above clinical events.
- More specifically, how excessive extracellular hemoglobin promotes above clinical crises events under pathophysiological conditions.
- His research describes that excessive extracellular hemoglobin blocks the cleavage of von Willebrand factor (VWF) and promotes accumulation of ultralarge VWF multimers in plasma and on endothelium.
- The ultralarge VWF multimers are hyperactive and are associated with above clinical complications in patients.
- His research also focused on identifying adhesive molecules on blood cells surface and on vascular endothelium that mediates unusual cell adhesion and culminate vascular occlusion in patients.
- His research describe that increased exposure of adhesive membrane lipid, sulfatide on activated-platelet surface promotes platelets adhesion and thrombosis.
- The increased exposure of sulfatide on sickled-red blood cells surface mimics the sickle cell adhesion to the endothelium and sub-endothelial matrices.
- His research is also focused on translation of above molecular and genomic findings to therapeutic practice.
- He has designed a recombinant small single-chain antibody against sulfatide that inhibits platelets adhesion to endothelium.
- Currently in vivo experiments are in progress to determine the effects of anti-sulfatide scFvs on blood cells adhesion and vasoocclusion in mice with sickle cell disease.
- PhD 1998, Banaras Hindu University
- Postdoc at Baylor College of Medicine, USA
- Instructor at Baylor College of Medicine, USA
- Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine, USA
- Associate Professor at Regional Centre for Biotechnology, India