Mahana Wahib
I2BC UMR 9198,
Bldg: 409 University of Paris,
Sud F-91405 Orsay Cedex.
Professional Experiences:
- 1999- present: Professor at Brest University (UBO). Role of PAMPs on the immune response: Flagellin as a vector and adjuvant for the immune responses.
- 2007-present: Endotoxines Laboratory, university Paris Sud, I2BC UMR 9198. Role of PAMPs on the immune response: relation structure/function of LPS and interaction with TLR4, and Factor(s) involved in HTLV-I virulence.
- 1994-1999: Factor(s) involved in HTLV-I virulence; Laboratory of Immunogénétic (LIG), Dr. T. Kindt, NIAID, NIH. Bethesda, USA.
- 1993- 1994: interactions of superantigens with the MHC and the TCR. Laboratory of Immunology, Pr. A. Baulieu, Hospital of Laval University, Québec, Canada.
- 1991- 1992: Molecular Characterization of Salmonella cytotoxin, Laboratoy of Microbiology, Raymond Poincaré, hospital, Garches, Pr. C. Nauciel.
- 1989 - 1991: Immunochemistry of food proteins l’INRA: Centre Nouzilly, Laboratoy of Immunology, Dr. A. Paraf.
- 1988-1989: B lymphocytes in SJA mice treated by (HgCl2). Pasteur Institute, Pr. Avrameas, and Unité d'Immunobiology, Pr. Coutinho.
- 1982-1987: Self recognition by natural autoantibodies, (Doctorate d’état), PhD laboratory of d'Immunocytochemistry, Pasteur Institute, Paris.
- 1981-1982: Modifications rosette tests. Subject of D.E.A , laboratory of Tumor Immunopharmacology, Hospital St-Eloi, Montpellier.
Honors, awards and other:
- 1996: NIH Award for Research Excellence.
- 2000: Laureate of the second outstanding organized for the creation of start up by the minister of research and new technologies.
- 2015-present: Member of the French Consul of the universities for the 64 section (Biochemistry and molecular biology).
Member of the French society of Immunology:
- 2001-present: Member of the scientific board of the French/Egyptian society of Immunology and molecular Biology Reviewer: Immunology, cellular Immunology, Scand. J; Immunol., BBRC, Vaccine, Wellcome-Trust etc....
- 2012- present: Member of editorial board at “ the American Journal of Microbiological Research Science and Education Publishing.