Yujing Weng
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Henan Polytechnic University,
Henan 454003,
PR China.
Research Interests:
Breaking the Chemical and Engineering Barriers to Lignocellulosic Biofuels; Mechanism study of HDO reaction on biomass derived products; Optimize biomass conversion to fuels and chemicals; Large-scale application of biomass industry, etc
- 2017.07- Pres. (Full-time job, researcher) Selective hydrogenolysis and hydrogenation of biomass feedstocks into mono-alcohols and diols The catalytic mechanism study of MoxC catalysts in HDO reaction
- 2013.08-2017.06 (Part-time job, student) Catalytic conversion of biomass sugar polyol into renewable alkane production and chemical (long chain alkanes (C5+), aromatics, cycloalkane, isosorbide, GVL, etc.) through aqueous phase process in fixed-bed reactor; High hydrothermally stable heterogeneous catalysts (zeolites, silica-gel, carbon materials, etc.) selectivity for aqueous phase process and the comparison of performance between different carbon materials (active carbon, CNT, graphene); Synergistic effect of Ru/C and phosphorus groups in the aqueous hydrodeoxygenation of biomass polyol into renewable alkane production
- 2010.07-2012.07 (Part-time job, student) Tar cracking research in the Coal technology research institute of TYUT Honor
- Yujing Weng, the second prize of the academic seminar of GIEC
- Yujing Weng, 2015 the third prize of Gong Teng award of GIEC
- Yujing Weng, Songbai Qiu, Tiejun Wang*. Biofuel from biomass conversion. Outstanding paper of 13th national doctoral student conference