Forest Research Institute,
N.AG.RE.F (National Agricultural Research Foundation),
Konstantinos A. Spanos
- Dr Konstantinos Spanos is a Senior Research Scientist at the Forest Research Institute - N.AG.RE.F (National Agricultural Research Foundation) in Thessaloniki - Greece.
- He has long experience on forest management, forestry research, public service and academia.
- He obtained his B.Sc. in Forestry in 1982 from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Dep. of Forestry and Natural Environment).
- He is specialised on Forest Genetics (Mphil -1992 - U.C.N.W/UK, PhD -1995 - Univ. of Aberdeen/UK, Postdoc research in 1996 -SUAS, Umeå/Sweden) with long research experience on Population Genetics, Ecological Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Tree Breeding, Disease Resistance, Evolution, Silviculture & Forest Management and Assessment and Monitoring of Forest Biodiversity.
- He has worked as Forest Manager and Research Assistant for the Ministry of Agriculture - General Secretary of Forests and Natural Environment (FRI in Athens) for the period 1985-1995.
- He has participated (as scientific responsible or team member) in several National and European projects (e.g. FRAXIGEN, MOHIEF, NATURA, LIFE) and COST actions, related to forestry and natural environment.
- He is now working (managing and implementing research projects and management plans) for ELGO-‘DIMITRA’ (before N.AG.RE.F) - FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Thessaloniki/Greece) - Dep. of Silviculture and Forest Genetics.
- He is also partly teaching Forestry & Natural Environment at Univ. Schools and Technical Colleges in the country. He has published (International and National Journals and Conferences) several papers (>200) (research & review) on Forest Genetics, Tree Breeding, Disease Resistance, Population Genetics, Biodiversity, Natural Protected Areas, Silviculture, Forest Management and Biomass Energy.
- He has been acted as editor and peer-reviewer of many scientific papers published in scientific Journals and Conferences’ Proceedings.
- He is long time member of the Editorial Board of MEQ (Management of Environmental Quality), Australian Journal of Crop Science and Open Agriculture (Intern. Journals).
- He is member of several national and international scientific Societies, Committees and Networks (e.g. IUFRO, IPC, EUFORGEN, FRAXIGEN, BEECH NETWORKS, HELLENIC FORESTRY SOCIETY, HELLENIC PLANT BREEDING SOCIETY).
- He has also officially been invited as a speaker for several National & International scientific Conferences.