Shivanthi Samarasinghe
Senior Lecturer in Microbiology, Molecular Genetics and Genomics,
Research Lead in Molecular Microbiology,
School of Allied Health,
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences,
De Montfort University,
Leicester LE1 9BH.
Research Interests:
- My research interest lies on understanding the molecular basis of the antibiotic resistance among the microbial pathogens.
- This involves understanding the mechanisms of virulence, Quorum sensing (bacterial communication) at the molecular level and how these pathogens confer antimicrobial resistance.
- Further, my interest focuses on developing the novel molecular methods for diagnosing the pathogens at the early stage of the infectious diseases.
- Dr Shivanthi Samarsinghe is a senior lecturer in microbiology and molecular genetics/genomics in the School of Allied health Sciences, De Montfort University.
- She obtained her BSc (Hons) in Chemistry/Biochemistry, and completed her PhD, in Microbial Molecular Genetics in 2008.
- Dr. Samarasinghe’s doctoral work focused studying on the regulation of gene expression in Escherichia coli and her postdoctoral work (2011) expanded her interest into Eukaryotic regulation of gene expression in Saccharomyces pombe.
- Fellow of Institute of Biomedical Science (FIBMS)-01/2015
- Associate member of American Socity for Microbiology (ASM)-01/01/2016
- PhD -“ Microbial Molecular Genetics:Transcription Regulation in the Escherichia coli melibiose operon-University of Birmingham, UK. 07/2008
- Graduateship in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GIC)/BSc.: First class (Honours): Institute of Chemistry, Sri Lanka, 06/2001
- Certificate Course in Gene Technology: Genetech, School of Gene Technology, Sri Lanka, 03/2003
- Certificate Course in Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases: Genetech, School of Gene Technology, Sri Lanka, 05/2003