Prof. of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology Vice Head of Process Design & Development, Department Former Head Manager of Petroleum Biotechnology Lab Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.
(+202) 3 568 4545, (+202) 2 274-7917, (+2) 01001443208 , (+2) 01004510006
Nour Shafik Emam El-Gendy
“Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI)”
1 Ahmed El-Zomer St., Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, PO Box 11727.
Research Interests:
Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Adsorption, Kinetics, Applied Microbiology, Catalyst, Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology, Kinetic Modeling, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Chemistry, Fermentation, Bioremediation, Microbial Isolation, Bioprocess Engineering and Fermentation Technology, Wastewater, Green Chemistry, Biomass, Biofuel Production, Industrial Biotechnology, Gas Chromatography, Biodegradation, Fermentation Biotechnology, Petroleum, Waste, Environmental Biodegradation, Water Purification, Biodiesel Production, Biocatalysis, Degradation, Environmental Bioremediation, Biodiesel, Fermentation Technology, Green Technology, Ethanol Production, Industrial Microbiology, Bioprocess optimization, Biosorption, Biotechnology Industry, Transesterification, Crude Oil, Environmental Technology, Yeast Fermentation, Ethanol Fermentation, Microbiological Processes, Heterocyclic Compounds, Oil Pollution, Microbial Enzymes, Response Surface Methodology, Solid State Fermentation, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, SSF, Microbial Nanobiotechnology, Biocorrosion.
- An honorable appreciation award for my social activity in The Festival of “Tomorrow for Arab Child”.
- An honorable appreciation award from the British University in Egypt (BUE).
- Nominated for L’Oréal – UNESCO Award for Women in Life Sciences – 2016.
- An honorable acknowledgment certificate from Journal of “Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects” for my outstanding technical contributions as an author and a reviewer.
- An honorable acknowledgment certificate from Journal of “Petroleum Science and Technology” for my outstanding technical contributions as an author and a reviewer.
- A certificate of honor for best oral presentation in The 1st International Conference on Applied Microbiology, “Biotechnology and Its Applications in The Field of Sustainable Agricultural Development”, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt, 1-3 March, 2016.
- A certificate of honor for best oral presentation in The 15th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt, 8–10 April, 2012.
- A certificate of honor for best poster presentation in The 15th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt, 8–10 April, 2012.
- An honorable acknowledgment certificate from Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute for my outstanding efforts in The 14th International Conference on Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt, 27–29 March, 2011.
- My biography is recorded in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering ninth edition 2006-2007.