Iran, Islamic Republic of
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,
SUMS · Department of Anatomy.
+98-71 32304372
Mohammad Reza Namavar
Department of Anatomical Sciences,
School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,
Shiraz, Iran,
P.O. Box: 71345-1945, Shiraz.
Research Interests:
- Stroke
- Neuron Tracing (Neuroanatomy)
- Stereology (Nervous system).
- Aliabadi E, Namavar MR, Mortezaee K, Toolee H, Keshtgar S, Mirkhani H. Kisspeptin expression features in the arcuate and anteroventral periventricular nuclei of hypothalamus of letrozole-induced polycystic ovarian syndrome in rats. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2017; 296(5):957-963
- Mohammad Rezazadeh F, Jafarzadeh Shirazi MR, Zamiri MJ, Salehi MS, Namavar MR, Akhlaghi A, Tamadon A, Tsutsui K. Seasonal changes in hypothalamic gonadotropin inhibitory hormone expression in the
- paraventricular nucleus of chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar). Anim. Reprod. 2017; 14(2): 452-458.
- Safari A, Fazeli M, Namavar MR, Borhanhaghighi A, Tanideh N, Jafari P. Therapeutic effects of oral dimethyl fumarate on stroke induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion: An animal experimental study. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 2017; 35(3): 265-274
- Ebrahimian Z, Karimi Z, Khoshnoud MJ, Namavar MR, Daraei B. Behavioral and Stereological Analysis of the Effects of Intermittent Feeding Diet on the Orally Administrated MDMA (“ecstasy”) in Mice. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience 2017; 14 (1-2), 40-52
- Salehi MS, Namavar MR, Tamadon A, Bahmani R, Shiraz MRJ. The Effects of Acoustic White Noise on the Rat Central Auditory System During the Fetal and Critical Neonatal Periods: A Stereological Study. Noise & Health 2017; 19 (86), 24
- Moghadam A, Khozani TT, Mafi A, Namavar MR, Dehghani F. Effects of platelet-rich plasma on kidney regeneration in gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity. Journal of Korean medical science 2017; 32 (1), 13-21
- Bahramian A, Rastegar K, Namavar MR, Moosavi M. Insulin potentiates the therapeutic effect of memantine against central STZ-induced spatial learning and memory deficit. Behavioural brain research 2016; 311:247-254
- Nazari M, Keshavarz S, Rafati A, Namavar MR, Haghani M. Fingolimod (FTY720) improves hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory deficit in rats following focal cerebral ischemia. Brain research bulletin 2016; 124, 95-102
- Mehdipour M, Zarifkar A, Namavar MR. Evaluation of the Role of Melatonin in
- Dietary Restriction Effects on Spatial Memory Impairment Induced by Streptozotocin (STZ) in Male Rats. . JAMSAT 2015; 1(1): 42.50.