Lucilene Ines Jacoboski
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | UFRGS
Departamento de Ecologia
Porto Alegre.
Research Interests:
- Biodiversity
- Conservation
- Community Ecology
- Ornithology
- Functional Diversity.
- Lucilene Jacoboski currently works at the Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
- Lucilene does research in Zoology and Ecology.
- Their current project is 'Responses of bird communities to afforestation of the southern grasslands: integrating taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity.'
- Comparacao da riqueza e composicao de aves no interior e na borda em um fragmento de floresta Estacional Decidual.
- Estrutura trófica da avifauna do Mato do Silva, fragmento de floresta estacional decidual, Chiapetta, Rio Grande do Sul
- Aves, perda de habitat e atributos funcionais: qual a importância da diversidade funcional?
- Bird-grassland associations in protected and non-protected areas in southern Brazil
- How do diversity and functional nestedness of bird communities respond to changes in the landscape caused by eucalyptus plantations?
- Structure of bird communities in eucalyptus plantations: Nestedness as a pattern of species distribution.