Environmental Engineer
Pegasus Technical Services Inc.,
Xiao-Lan Huang
7652 Ginnala Ct. Cincinnati. OH.45243
Research Interests:
- Recommended a new strategy for sludge land application, reducing sludge-phosphorus phyto-availability as a means to maximize soil capacity for sludge disposal.
- Studied green chemistry, water-soluble and solid-state speciation of phosphorus in stabilized sewage sludge.
- Developed a novel phosphorus phytoavailability method for soil by a rapid bioassay
- Proposed a mechanism for phosphorus retention in high pH soils amended with stabilized sludge.
- Developed static cation-exchange resin impregnated membrane adsorbed potassium method for soil potassium testing.
- Full member of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society.
- Member of the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).
- Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
- Relative importance of solid-phase phosphorus and iron on the sorption behavior of sediments.
- Effect of temperature and salinity on phosphate sorption on marine sediments.
- Water-soluble and solid-state speciation of phosphorus in stabilized sewage sludge.
- Neutral persulfate digestion at sub-boiling temperature in an oven for total dissolved phosphorus determination in natural waters.
- Study on Microclimate Characteristics of Tea Plantation Complex System in Subtropical Hilly Region.
- Chemical fractionation of phosphorus in stabilized biosolids.
- Climatic and Ecological Effects of Planting Achnatherum splendens in Tea Plantation.
- Dynamics of phosphorus phytoavailability in soil amended with stabilized sewage sludge materials.
- Surfactant-sensitized malachite green method for trace determination of orthophosphate in aqueous solution.
- Spatial variation in sediment-water exchange of phosphorus in Florida Bay: AMP as a model organic compound.