Igwe, Orisa J.
UMKC School of Pharmacy
2464 Charlotte St.
HSB 2247
Kansas City, MO 64108
Research Interests:
(i) Understanding the fundamental mechanisms that underlie the hyperalgesic or allodynic states, which characterize chronic inflammatory or neuropathic pain states.
(ii) Defining the role of phospholipids/Ca2+ pathways in neuronal transmission deficits associated with aging.
My undergraduate training was in Pharmacy with a BS degree graduating with the Latin honor of Summa cum Laude from the College of University of Louisiana at Monroe. I am a registered Pharmacist in Louisiana, Ohio and Minnesota, although my licensure is not currently maintained in any of these states. I obtained a MS degree in Toxicology from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, and earned a Ph. D in Environmental Health with a specialty in Inhalation Toxicology & Industrial Hygiene from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1985. I had a year of postdoctoral training in Molecular Biology at the Eppley Cancer Research Institute, Omaha and a further training in Molecular & Behavioral Neuroscience under Professor Alice A. Larson at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul (1986 -1990). I have been at the UMKC School of Pharmacy since 1991. I have been a member of the graduate and regular doctoral faculty since 1995, and have served as Thesis and Dissertation Director for M.S and Interdisciplinary Ph. D (IPh. D) students in the Division. Furthermore, I have served in the Thesis and Dissertation Committees of several M.S and IPh. D students.
Serves as a reviewer for many scientific journals, and ad hoc on NIH Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2009/10 ZRG1 IFCN-A (58) R
Recent publications:
(i) Igwe OJ (2006) Agents that act by different mechanisms modulate the activity of protein kinase C βII isozyme in the spinal cord during peripheral inflammation. Neuroscience 138 (1): 313 – 328.
(ii) Igwe OJ (2005) Modulation of peripheral inflammation in sensory ganglia by nuclear factor κB decoy oligodeoxynucleotide: Involvement of Src kinase pathway. Neurosci. Lett. 381: 114 – 119.
(iii) Moolwaney AS, Igwe OJ (2005) Regulation of the cyclooxygenase-2 system by interleukin 1ß through mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways: A comparative study of human neuroglioma and neuroblastoma cells. Mol. Brain Res. 137 (1-2): 202-212.
(iv) Igwe OJ, Filla MB (1997) Aging-related regulation of myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate signal transduction pathway in the rat striatum. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 46(1-2): 39-53.