Riccardo Casadei
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences,
Via Massarenti 9,
Research Interests:
- On the ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas we are mainly carrying out two research lines: the first involves a randomized controlled trial on neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery versus surgery alone in ductal adenocarcinomas thought to be preoperatively resectable; the second concerns the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency use in locally advanced, non-resectable, non-metastatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
- On cystic tumors we have an observational study on incidental cystic lesions.
- A national multicenter observational study is underway on pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
- On the left resections of the pancreas, a multicentric, national RCT study on the use of biological materials is underway.
- Ministry of Education, University and Research - Scientific Research Programs of significant national interest (PRIN 2010)
- Research title: New therapies for pancreatic adenocarcinoma (5 research units involved)
- Specific title of our Research Unit: Genomic analysis of the neoadjuvant chemo radiotherapy response in the treatment of resectable and locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
- A multi-center, national RCT study on the use of SNG is underway on gastrorenections.
- Analysis and functions of the bio-humoral factors of inflammation in the postoperative ileum. Study protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of the S. Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic on 15/05/2012, duration 12 months (POI-Proj / 2012 code).
- Prospective randomized study on the margin of the surgical piece after duodenocefalopancreasectomy for periampollar malignant neoplasia: polychromatic vs. monochromatic margination "Study protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of the S. Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic on 15/07/2012.
- Ancillary study on the gene expression profile (genotyping) of patients with operable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Amendment n.8 EUDRACT protocol 2007-000557-61. Final version of 06/12/2010.
Formation activities:
- University of Ulm – Pancreatic Surgery – 1996
- University of Genova – Hepato-Bilo-Pancreatic surgery – 2001
- University of Strasbourg – Laparoscopic approach in endocrine surgery – 2001
- University of Strasbourg – Laparoscopic approach in digestive surgery – 2002
- University of Rome – Pancreatic surgery – 2003
- Period of attendance in Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery at the University of Nagoya (Japan) – 2000.
- Master in robotic hepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery, 2015