Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology

Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology

The Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology (JPAE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on research in ecology, including the evolutionary and ecological relationship between plants and animals. The journal focuses on the study of the physical and biological processes that determine the distribution and abundance of species, and how populations interact with their environment. All manuscripts are rigorously peer-reviewed and published after meeting editorial quality and review standards.   

Note: An Article Processing Charge (APC) is levied to authors to make a research work available open access in Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology.

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Journal metrics

Short code




Average Processing Time

26 days

Acceptance rate


Submission to first decision

12 days

Acceptance to publication

2 days

Impact Factor


Our Specialties

Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed journal that helps disseminate original research work, having a unique aspect of covering many areas which contributes to providing an awareness of research studies of scientists around the globe.

Constant Updating

Advancing Plant and Animal Ecology: JPAE is a leading peer-reviewed publication and it is committed to advancing the understanding of the intricate relationships between plants, animals, and their environments. JPAE encourage submissions that utilize cutting-edge technologies such as remote sensing, molecular ecology, and bioinformatics to advance our understanding of ecological processes. 


Open Access and Publication Fees: Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology operates on a transparent publication fee model. These fees are essential for covering the costs of peer review, editing, production, and online hosting, ensuring that our published articles meet the highest standards of quality and integrity. As an open access publication, we strive to make cutting-edge research accessible to a global audience, fostering collaboration and innovation in the field of ecology.

Article Processing Charges

Advanced Online Editorial Manager
High Quality Peer review

Remarkable Impact of Ecology Articles: Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology has achieved an impressive H-index of 5. This significant milestone is a clear indication of the widespread recognition and impact of the research published in our journal. It is a testament to the innovative and high-quality contributions made by our esteemed authors and researchers in the field of plant and animal ecology.


Submit your Research: Researchers and authors are encouraged to submit their original research, reviews, and scholarly articles to our journals. Submissions can be made through our online submission system, where authors can track the progress of their manuscripts and communicate with the editorial team throughout the review process.

Submission Format

Easy-to-Use Search Functionalities
Article Email Facility

Publication time: Our journals follow a rigorous peer-review process, and the publication time varies depending on the specific journal and the complexity of the research being reviewed. Typically, the publication process from submission to acceptance and online publication ranges from 28-30 days, ensuring thorough evaluation and quality control.

Editorial Board

Transparent Review on Horticulture, Entomology, Morphology Reseacrh Works: All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer review process by experts in the field. Our publishing house has a comprehensive journal database, and researchers can easily find relevant journals for their research through our platform. We offer a wide range of journals covering diverse scientific disciplines.

Peer Review


Editorial Board

Plant and Animal Ecology-Landscape ecology-Yu Peng

Yu Peng

College of Life & Environmental Science, Minzu University of China,  &...

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Plant and Animal Ecology-Geological Co2 Sink
-Wenfeng Wang

Wenfeng Wang

818 South Beijing Road, urumqi, xinjiang, china

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Plant and Animal Ecology-Study of the water cycle and the influence of vegetation.-Issam Moussa

Issam Moussa

ECOLAB : Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement UMR 5245 CNRS-UPS-INPT - Tou...

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Plant and Animal Ecology-Plant Ecology-Francesco Primo Vaccari

Francesco Primo Vaccari

Institute of Biometeorology -National Research Council Via Caproni, 8 I-50...

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